Sunday, 2 March 2014

IBM MDM Hybrid Style implementation

IBM MDM V11 release marked a significant change in the way MDM was being implemented in the market. It provide a solution that could support various styles of MDM by performing one single installation and that was HYBRID MDM. This support in V11 provided capability where customer could easily transition from registry to transactional style or co-exist their datasources in each of these styles and at the same time have a centralized MDM solution across the enterprise.

The concept is very simple. The customer has a set of datasources and some or most of these sources want to manage their own data. Well, they can keep on doing that in Virtual MDM (old Initiate Engine) in V11 .There are some other datasources which are transactional and all thier data and attributes are stored in the centralized MDM system. Well that is what Physical MDM (aka old DWL) is all about. But using V11, it is easily possible to move some of the data from Virtual MDM to Physical and persist is as a single unique entity by enabling a single switch during installation of IBM MDM V11.

This is a very unique capability, because there is a lot of MDM requirement in the market around this case. Look at some of the State Resident Hub requirements at State level in India for MDM. There are around 30-40 different departments supported in State Governments like Pension, Scholarship, Ration Cards and each of them want to identify the uniqueness of the resident across these datasources and at the same time keep the ownership of this data because of the propriety attributes. They could easily start with Virtual MDM and move to Physical. As and when they add new departments all of them could do these transitions.

Acquisitions are other scenario where this capability can be a huge advantage to bring in the acquired data into a centralized repository using this capability.

There will be enhancements on the hybrid MDM support in releases to come.

Some interesting links for more info

It would be interesting to know opinion and feedback on the Hybrid MDM capability in V11.


  1. Hi Shweta,

    do u have any hands-on document how to implement Virtual to Hybrid MDM ?

  2. Hi Manjj, of course cant share docs here but look at Knowledge Center

    Note in V11 onwards SE and Hybrid is just a configuration changes. So basically when you install SE with a configuration change you can make it Hybrid.

    Hope that helps


  3. DO you have any white paper write-up on “how best we could implement multiple composite view”?

    Basically I am looking for some pros and cons on implementing multiple composite views on our project.

    Any help on this front would be greatly appreciated.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Best Regards,

